LIRR Enhanced Station Initiative


The Long Island Railroad chose eight stations for a design-build project to enhance existing stations with improved facilities, accessibility, and signage. This program re-envisioned station design and construction, using the design-build construction model to complete all work in under one year. Three of the stations are listed or are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. JBC provided design and construction supervision services for the renovation and modernization of the historic East Hampton, Farmingdale and Stony Brook stations. 

Work included surveying the stations, identifying historic materials, and defining the scope of restoration work. Working with the design team, we found solutions that not only protected the historic fabric but could also be executed quickly to meet the aggressive schedule. We produced specifications for the repair of historic finishes outside and inside the stations, performed cleaning tests, analyzed paint and mortar samples, and sourced replacements for damaged historic materials that were missing or beyond repair.  We were also responsible for submissions to the State Historic Preservation Office documenting the proposed work. During construction, JBC was regularly on site monitoring and providing quality control for the restoration work. 


NYCT Enhanced Station Initiative


Ambrose Monument