Field & Laboratory Testing
Testing materials and treatments is a core part of our practice.
We perform a wide range of materials testing to determine physical performance properties to better understand existing materials and evaluate the compatibility of replacement materials. In keeping with best practices in conservation, we test treatments to identify any adverse effects before scaling up to the full work. This testing not only helps to prevent damage to substrates, it also saves our clients money. Test results are provided in detailed written reports, explaining our methodology and, where appropriate, our recommendations for treatment.
Cleaning tests are one of our most popular services. JBC’s conservators have performed hundreds of cleaning tests on masonry, metal, decorative finishes, and other materials. Testing can be performed using water misting, chemical treatments, laser ablation, micro-air abrasion, or other means, depending on the substrate. Testing starts with developing a plan tailored to your project and based on our extensive experience with available materials and methods. Our experienced conservators will efficiently test a range of options and fine-tune them to achieve optimal results. Cleaning tests are typically performed on site and include all materials and types of soiling.
See our materials analysis services for related information.
Materials Testing
Glaze and Coating Adhesion
ASTM C67 Testing of Brick and Structural Clay Tile
Compressive Strength
Saturation Coefficient
Freezing and Thawing
Initial Rate of Absorption (IRA)
RILEM Tube Water Absorption
Water Vapor Transmission Rate
Capillary Uptake
Custom/Non-standard Tests
Treatment Testing
Cleaning Tests
Paint and Graffiti Removal
Atmospheric Soiling Removal
Biological Growth Removal
Stain Removal
Consolidation Evaluation
Testing paint removal treatments.
Custom testing of glass block repair adhesives.
Historic finishes exposure panel
Testing terra cotta glaze repair treatments.
RILEM testing to determine cause of failures.
Freeze/thaw testing of bluestone.
Shear bond strength testing of glass block repair adhesive.
Glaze adhesion tests on replacement terra cotta units.