Disaster Preparedness & Response
Time is of the essence when it comes to responding to disasters.
We offer disaster planning services for institutions so they can be ready in the event of an emergency. We help museums, archives, libraries, and historical societies identify risks and develop disaster response plans.
Our conservators are experienced in the treatment of objects that have undergone severe trauma, including exposure to fire, water, high humidity, mold, handling damage, and construction debris. We provide pick-up and delivery services, on-site inventory, photography, triage, and condition reports for collections of all sizes.
Mary Jablonski is a member of the Alliance for Response NYC. The Alliance was established in 2004 as a local volunteer organization focused on connecting emergency responders with representatives of the cultural heritage community. The goal of the Alliance is to strengthen disaster mitigation and response capabilities of the NYC art community through training opportunities, fostering of local planning efforts, and improved dialogue and partnerships.