Whippany Burying Yard
Established in 1718, Whippany Burying Yard is the oldest graveyard in northern New Jersey. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in December, 2009. JBC has worked on multiple phases of conservation work at the Burying Yard dating back to 2005. JBC completed three phases of work between 2005 and 2008 and an additional two phases in 2016 & 2018. The objective of the treatments was to improve the legibility of the markers, to mediate conditions that could lead to future deterioration, and to attempt to ensure the original form of the marker was maintained. To this end, the conservation treatments included removal of biological growth, cleaning, removal of previous repair material, grouting, pinning, reattaching fragments, mortar repairs, resetting, and the design and installation of support armatures. Treatments were designed to stabilize deteriorating markers selected by the Township in coordination with the local landmark commission.
Read more about this project in Preservation Magazine.
Resetting monument.
Brick base before reconstruction.
Poured concrete for foundation for new base.
Aaron Burnet monument before treatment.
Aaron Burnet monument after treatment.
Benning Lewis monument before treatment.
Benning Lewis monument after treatment.
Harriet Hopping monument before treatment.
Harriet Hopping monument after treatment.
Susan Lewis monument before treatment.
Susan Lewis monument after treatment.