Sandy Ground Cemetery
Staten Island, NY
Sandy Ground Cemetery, more formally known as the Rossville A.M.E. Zion Church Cemetery, is considered one of the nation’s most significant African‐American burial grounds. The cemetery is located in the community of Sandy Ground on Staten Island, one of the first free‐black communities in the country. JBC produced a Cultural Landscape Report of the cemetery for the New York Landmarks Conservancy. The report documented the historic significance and condition of the cemetery and made recommendations for its preservation and interpretation. As part of our study, we commissioned a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey, performed by Horsley Archaeological Prospection, that detected around 576 graves even though there were only 97 markers. Unmarked graves may have previously been denoted using temporary non‐durable materials such as wood or plants, or may have been marked with temporary items such as grave goods that have since been lost. The large number of unmarked graves suggests an extensive use of such African American burial traditions. Additionally, there are several written accounts from the mid‐20th century describing the presence of “grave goods” in the cemetery. These goods are no longer found and were possibly mistaken for debris and removed. This suggests that the traditions have passed from the collective memory of the community. Both the GPR data and historic record can be used to reconnect with past traditions.
This project received extensive media coverage. For more information, visit the Landmarks Conservancy’s website.
JBC’s Stephanie Hoagland interviews Tim Horsley on use of GPR to detect unmarked graves.
Performing GPR survey to located unmarked graves.
Results of GPR survey overlaid on map of know burials.
Development of Sandy Ground over time.