Palace Theater
Image Credit: PBDW
New York, NY
Citation for Innovation in Preservation, AIA New York Design Awards, 2025
Broadway’s historic Palace Theatre underwent a $50 million project to lift the theater interior 30 feet in elevation, install modern amenities and accessibility improvements, and rehabilitate decorative finishes as part of a project to redevelop the site. Opened in 1913 as a vaudeville theater, the Palace has a long history as one of the premiere performance venues in New York City and is a designated NYC Interior Landmark. JBC served as the historic preservation consultant for the developer L&L Holding Company and was part of the design team which developed the restoration program that included stabilization, repair, and replication of historic plasterwork, marble, metals, and other finishes. Conservators performed materials testing, reviewed probes, and developed conditions assessments of each finish and system before, during, and after the lifting activities to inform the construction documents. JBC performed on-site supervision of work, reviewed samples and mockups, and developed conditions monitoring protocols. JBC worked with the contracting team to ensure that all repairs and replacement materials met the requirements of the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Project Scope
Detailed exterior and interior conditions assessment
Materials investigation, including paint analysis, gravimetric mortar analysis and replication, and evaluation of potential plaster consolidation methods
Working with the contractor to monitor, stabilize, and reinforce historic materials prior to lifting activities
Written procedures for full conservation of all interior finishes and exterior terra cotta
Monitoring and review, including site visits to report progress and quality assurance as well as review of submitted materials, means and methods
Proscenium before.
Proscenium after. (Image credit: PBDW)
Image credit: PBDW
Image credit: PBDW
Box before.
Box after. (Image credit: PBDW)
Boxes before.
Boxes after. (Image credit: PBDW)